
Beta Chapter, Stephen F. Austin University, 1988

Brotherhood through Percussion

Phi Boota roota was founded on September 26, 1976 at the University of Southern Mississippi by Joe Evans, Glen Buckalew, and Connie Sprinkell. The founders sought to establish a brotherhood built on the natural community that performing on a drumline brings.

Unification and Incorporation

From 1976 to 2007, the fraternity spread across the country by word of mouth, letters mailed from chapters to prospective universities, and contact between drumlines at college football games.

With the advent of social media, chapters across the country were reintroduced to each other. The first National Convention, UniPHI, was held in 2008 to bring the chapters together. Phi Boota roota was incorporated and established as a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization in 2017.

Group photo from the first National Convention, UniPHI, 2008

First national crest, 2013-2021

Phi Boota roota national crest 2021-today

National Alumni Association Seal, 2019

(L to R) Mark Turner, Joe Evans, Glen Buckalew, Connie Sprinkell, Kristy Wright, and Jeremy Dazzo. National organization delegates meet with the founders to learn about Phi Boota roota origins, and share how the organization has grown, 2011

(L to R) Connie Sprinkell, Cheyenne Hernandez (née Handorf), and Joe Evans. National Convention, 2016

Percussion, Brotherhood, Service

Today, Phi Boota roota provides networking and educational opportunities to students and faculty, and maintenance for university percussion equipment. There are eight chapters across four states- Alabama, Louisiana, Texas, and Virginia.

If you would like to establish a Phi Boota roota chapter at your college or university, please reach out to national.vice-president@phibootaroota.org.

Brothers of Phi Boota roota perform the world premier of  The Minimum State by Dr. Lane Harder, a piece commissioned by Phi Boota roota, Brother Concert, 2013

(L to R) Perfecto Aleman and Alcira Sanchez perform at the Brother Concert, 2022

National Convention, 2023

Drum Circle, National Convention, 2023